PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
Saturday February 01, 2025
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News, analysis websites and blogs dealing with Bulgaria

Here you can find basic information about news and analysis websites dealing with Bulgaria, as well as websites of news agencies and blogs by Bulgarian scholars and researchers, with direct links.

Balkan Identities Project

Name in Bulgarian: Проект "Балкански идентичности"
Description: this analysis website was born from a multidisciplinary scholar’s project on all kinds of identities in Balkan cultures. Interdisciplinary scholar’s field is object for different scholars working in Literary criticism, History, Sociology, Linguistics, Anthropology, Folklore, Ethnology, etc.
There are different Projects within the overall framework: "Balkan Identities in Bulgarian Culture from the Modern Times (19th -20th centuries)", 2000; "Problems of National and Cultural Identities: Bulgaria and Neighbours (with the Institute of Slavonic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences), 2003-2005; "New Approaches in the University teaching of the issues of the Balkan Identities", 2004; "Identity and Historical Myths"; 2006.
"The category 'friend – stranger' in the literature and culture of the Balkans" is a joint research project carried out in 2005, with the Department of Slavic Languages and Literature of UAM in Poznań (Poland), the Institute of Literature and Arts (Belgrade), and the Department of Slavic Languages and Literature of University of Zagreb (Croatia).
"Emotional Content of Bulgarian National Identity: Historical Origins and Contemporary Dimensions" is a joint interdisciplinary project carried out by the Institute for Literature, with the Institute of Sociology and the Institute for Balkan Studies.

The main objectives that the Balkan Identities Project fulfils are: the advancement of the research in the field and distributing the results by print and on-line publications; the creation of a network of scholars from different spheres and countries; the transfer of the achieved results in the field of education; the information of the society and dissemination of the results of scholarship work.
Languages: Bulgarian, English
Visit the website of Balkan Identities Project 

Bulgarian News Agency

Description: The Bulgarian News Agency is the major news agency in the country. It provides regular daily news, both in Bulgarian and English. It's known as a reliable source of news and information.
Languages: Bulgarian, English

Visit the website of the Bulgarian News Agency (in Bulgarian)

Novinite - Sofia News Agency

Description: This is the website of a private news agency. It is based in Sofia and covers the country as well as the region and the world.
Languages: English, Bulgarian, Russian

Visit the website of Novinite (in English)

Description: this is the blog of a Bulgarian scholar, Anna Krasteva, who is director of the Department of political sciences and of CERMES (Centre for European Refugees Migration and Ethnic Studies) at the New Bulgarian University, and doctor honoris causa of University Lille 3. The blog publishes comments and articles in three main fields: e-democracy; migrations and minorities; democratization in Eastern Europe.
Languages: posts are mainly in Bulgarian, but also in English and French

Visit the blog by Anna Krasteva

PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy

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