(published in: Nov, 2020)
On 8 November 2020, Francine Friedman (Ball State University) chaired a panel for the (virtual) Annual Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European & Eurasian Studies, titled “Twenty-five Years after Srebrenica and the Dayton Peace Accords: Echoes of the Past/Portents for the Future?”
(published in: Jun, 2020)
The Italian flag with the inscription “Solidarność” (Solidarity) beside was projected, Thursday 18th March, on the facade of the Palace of Polish President. “Dear Italian friends, we are with you in these difficult days”, starts a note of the Polish Embassy press office for showing to Italians the initiative of their country Presidency.
(published in: Oct, 2014)
The recent decision of the European Court of Human Rights on the case of Ljubljanska Banka that Slovenia is responsible for guaranteeing these accounts opens the door for a process of compensation for account holders across ex-Yugoslavia. But it is also opening painful episodes of Yugoslavia's dissolution that are still far from resolved.
(published in: Jun, 2014)
Investing in Balkan SMEs: problems, solutions, and benefits for Emilia-Romagna
(published in: Jun, 2014)
As Small and Medium Enterprises in the Balkans develop with support from the EU, now is the time for Emilia-Romagna to get involved.
(published in: Mar, 2014)
In this interview Damjan Mandelc gives his reflections on the the shifts in Slovenia’s political landscapes in the last years. Now involved with a political party that formed though the collaboration of various civil initiatives, Mandelc analyzes the increased mobilization of people, the struggles of popular protests and why he thinks this is a moment for new parties.
(published in: Mar, 2014)
This paper examines the status and attitudes towards entrepreneurship in Greece and also the impact of the economic crisis on the entrepreneurship. For Greeks, entrepreneurship is recognized as the key factor contributing at the economic growth and it plays a vital role, as about 15% of the active populations are entrepreneurs.
(published in: Jan, 2014)
The December announcement of the stress test results on Slovenia's major banks revealed the size of the required bailout. While the number was relatively low and within the means of the state, the process of the test and the resulting bailout will have consequences across the society. This article explores these aspects in the wake of the stress test.
(published in: Dec, 2013)
The report refers to the phenomenon of corruption in Albania, as one of the country’s greatest challenges within the public sector and particularly in areas such as health, political parties and justice systems. Research indicates that Albania is one of the most corrupt countries not only in the Balkans but also around the world. The writer in few lines highlights the transparency of political parties funding, organized crime and corruption in public health. In conclusion she mentions both Albania’s and European Union’s efforts to improve transparency and accountability in the country.
(published in: Nov, 2013)
La rapida crescita economica che ha caratterizzato la Turchia negli ultimi anni è stata senza dubbio accompagnata da un importante sviluppo della domanda di energia.
(published in: Nov, 2013)
Il governo turco persegue un ambizioso progetto di potenziamento della rete ferroviaria del Paese. Gli obiettivi da raggiungere entro il 2023 parlano di dieci mila nuovi chilometri di linee ad alta velocità, quattro mila chilometri di rotaie convenzionali ed elettrificare ed ammodernare l’intera dotazione infrastrutturale del paese.
(published in: Nov, 2013)
Le dinamiche del mercato aeroportuale nell'Europa centro-orientale e balcanica si pongono in controtendenza con la crisi economica e finanziaria che attanaglia il continente europeo da diversi anni. Esistono ancora opportunità per gli aeroporti di piccole e medie dimensioni, come quello di Forlì, di ricavare una nicchia di mercato collaborando con l'Europa centro-orientale e Balcanica all'insegna della complementarietà.
(published in: Nov, 2013)
Le dinamiche del mercato aeroportuale nell'Europa centro-orientale e balcanica si pongono in controtendenza con la crisi economica e finanziaria che attanaglia il continente europeo da diversi anni. Esistono ancora opportunità per gli aeroporti di piccole e medie dimensioni, come quello di Forlì, di ricavare una nicchia di mercato collaborando con l'Europa centro-orientale e Balcanica all'insegna della complementarietà.
(published in: Oct, 2013)
Le piccole e medie imprese rappresentano un elemento importante per lo sviluppo economico dei Balcani occidentali. In questo campo possono formarsi allenze e collaborazioni tra le imprese dell'area e le pmi dell'Emilia Romagna.
(published in: Oct, 2013)
Le piccole e medie imprese rappresentano un elemento importante per lo sviluppo economico dei Balcani occidentali. In questo campo possono formarsi allenze e collaborazioni tra le imprese dell'area e le pmi dell'Emilia Romagna.