Here you can find basic information about the websites of Lithuanian printed newspapers and magazines dealing with a specific city or region in Lithuania, with direct links.
Title in English: The Kaunas Day
Description: A Lithuanian daily based in Kaunas. Covers national and local news.
Language: Lithuanian
Archive: since 2000, freely available
Visit the website of Kauno Diena
Description: A daily of the Lithuanian seaport Klaipėda. Publishes mainly local news.
Language: Lithuanian
Archive: since 2003, freely available
Visit the website of Klaipėda
Title in English: The Panevėys Voice
Description: A local newspaper of the city of Panevėys.
Language: Lithuanian
Archive: since 1999, freely available
Visit the website of Panevėio balsas
Title in English: Harmony
Description: A local newspaper of the region of Maeikiai published three times a week. Only a brief presentation is available in English.
Language: Lithuanian, English
Archive: since 2005, freely available
Visit the website of Santarvė
Title in English: Second
Description: A daily newspaper based in Panevėys.
Language: Lithuanian
Archive: since 2004, freely available
Visit the website of Sekundė
Title in English: The iauliai Land
Description: A regional newspaper based in iauliai, Lithuania. The website offers free access to the publications of the current issue.
Language: Lithuanian
Visit the website of iaulių kratas
Title in English: Tauragė Express
Description: A newspaper of the Tauragė region. The website publishes information actual for the town and region of Tauragė. Only a brief presentation of the newspaper is available in English.
Language: Lithuanian, English
Archive: since 2007, freely available
Visit the website of Tauragės kurjeris
Title in English: The Vilnius Region Weekly
Description: A Polish-language weekly that covers issues actual for the Polish community of the Vilnius region.
Language: Polish
Archive: since 2003, freely available
Visit the website of Tygodnik Wileńszczyzny
Title in English: Western Express
Description: A regional daily for the Lithuanian seaport Klaipėda and the Western Lithuania.
Language: Lithuanian
Archive: since 2002, freely available
Visit the website of Vakarų ekspresas
PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy
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