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Summer Workshop in Slavic, East European and Central Asian Languages

Period: June 13 - Aug. 8, 2008
Location: Indiana University (Bloomington, USA)
Application deadline: March 21, 2008

The program

The Summer Workshop provides up to 200 participants in Slavic, East European and Central Asian languages the opportunity to complete a full year of college language instruction during an eight-week summer session. The program has as its goal the enhancement of speaking, reading, listening and writing skills through classroom instruction and a full range of extra-curricular activities. Read all details about the language programs offered in the workshop.

Eligibility and Applications

Graduate students, undergraduates, professionals, exceptional high school students, and others can participate in the courses offered in the workshop. Participants can come from all over the United States, as well as from other countries.
Students from other institutions than the Indiana University are required to send transcripts to the SWSEEL, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures of the Indiana University (see contacts below). Graduate students should send graduate transcripts and undergraduate transcripts from the last university attended.
A user account is required to access the application procedure to this program. You can then apply online by March 21, 2008.


Tuition for graduate and undergraduate Workshop courses is $265.43 per credit hour for all participants regardless of state origin. In addition, if you are a non-IU graduate student, the university charges a $25 continuing non-degree student processing fee. There are also administrative and miscellaneous university fees.
Please refer to the IU Office of the Bursar Rates and Policies website (see link below) for official tuition and fee information.

Information and contacts

Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures
Indiana University, Ballantine Hall 502
Bloomington, IN 47405
Indiana University
107 S. Indiana Ave.,
Bloomington, IN 47405-7000
tel. 001.812.8554848


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