This area offers a wide range of continuously updated news regarding both academic and cultural events together with academic calls and study programs
This page of the Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe (PECOB) shows all upcoming events related to Central Eastern and Balkan Europe. Specifically, PECOB provides information on the program, participants and location of festivals, debates, book presentations and all events that take place in Central Eastern and Balkan Europe or deal with this region. PECOB's Events may be of interest to academics, university students and the wider public.
Events currently advertised on PECOB include an international forum on persecutions carried out in Transnistria during the Second World War and a Festival that will take place in Bolzano with a rich program on Russian language, culture and society. In addition, the page shows information on a film festival on Southeast Europe, a literary festival and the Human Rights Nights festival, organized in collaboration with the Institute for Central Eastern and Balkan Europe (IECOB).
A.C.I.A.- Associazione commercio italo-albanese, in collaborazione con Eurosportello della Camera Commercio di Ravenna, organizza il Convegno "Tra Italia e Albania, un mare di opportunità".
L'obiettivo dell'incontro è esaminare le possibili evoluzioni politiche nei rapporti tra i due Paesi e l'Europa e approfondire i temi della legislazione albanese in campo economico, fiscale, doganale e commerciale a beneficio degli investitori.
Russian Poetry Week is an event organized by London's Pushkin House, the leading centre for showcasing Russian culture in London. The event will host prize-winning translators and poets and will entail readings in Russian and English.
the international symposium "La Rue et l'E-Rue" is inspired by civil eruptions in the streets and their connection to social networks across the globe.