PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
Thursday December 26, 2024
Testata per la stampa

This area collects information on academic centers, state institutions, political and no profit organizations promoting the exchange of contacts and supporting institutional collaboration

East, rivista internazionale di geopolitica
European Regional Master's Degree in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe

Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat)


What does TurkStat do

The principal duty of Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) is, to compile data and information, and produce, publish and provide necessary statistics in the areas the country needs.
TurkStat receives data from individuals, households, businesses via researches and censuses. Then analyze the data received and transform it into a statistical information. This statistical information is a reliable guide for all levels of society in decision making processes.
Furthermore, we prepare the Official Statistical Program including information about which description, methodology, concept and classification shall be used, and by which institution and how frequently it shall be compiled and published periodicity, in complience with other institutions. We, also, report the monitoring and assessment of the activities stated in Official Statistical Programme.


Organizational Structure

The Turkish Statistical Institute is founded of the Statistics Council and the Presidency of the Turkish Statistical Institute with Statistics Law of Turkey numbered 5429. The Statistics Council is established to advice on the development and implementation of the Programme and on the production and use of official statistics; to determine and assess the areas in which official statistics are needed and to provide opinions and suggestions for future works to be carried out. The Presidency of the Turkish Statistical Institute consists of central and provincial organizations to implement this law and to perform tasks assigned by it.

TurkStat Duties

  • to prepare the Official Statistics Programme,
  • to organise the statistical activities specified in the Programme and ensure their realisation,
  • to determine the statistical methods, definitions, classifications and standards to be used in the production of official statistics in line with national and international norms,
  • to compile, evaluate, analyse and publish statistics in the fields of economy, social issues, demography, culture, environment, science and technology, and in the other required areas,
  • to provide scientific and technical explanations to the results of official statistics,
  • to follow up the developments in scientific research techniques, and methods and information technologies in the field of statistics and to take relevant measures for the adoption of these developments,
  • to determine the areas where statistical data are needed as well as data compilation methods in cooperation with the relevant institutions and organisations, by taking into account the national and international priorities,
  • to follow the performance of tasks assigned by the Programme to the institutions and organisations in relation to official statistics,
  • to examine statistics produced by these institutions and organisations in compliance on their international standards, to perform quality control and to provide technical support and ensure coordination in these issues,
  • to develop medium and long-term strategies and policies of the Institute within the framework of development plans, programmes, relevant legislation and principles adopted; to take measures to continually improve the organisational structure, service quality standards, and managerial services and processes in line with the strategic plans and annual objectives and targets of the Institute, etc.

Statistics by theme

  • Here you can find all statistics according to their subjects in categorial order.

Main Statistics

  • National Accounts
  • Employment, Unemployment and Wages
  • Inflation & Price
  • Foreign Trade
  • Construction and Housing
  • Industry
  • Trade and Services
  • Agriculture
  • Environment and Energy
  • Population and Demography
  • Income, Consumption and Poverty
  • Education, Culture, Sport and Tourism
  • Health and Social Protection
  • Science, Technology and Information Society
  • Justice and Election
  • Transportation and Communication

Available languages:

  • Turkish
  • English

Direct link

Surf the website of Turkish Statistical Institute in (Turkish)
Surf the website of Turkish Statistical Institute in (English)


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