PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
Wednesday January 22, 2025
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This area collects information on academic centers, state institutions, political and no profit organizations promoting the exchange of contacts and supporting institutional collaboration

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European Regional Master's Degree in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe

Research institutes and associations of scholars in Macedonia

Here you can find basic information about the websites of research institutes and associations of scholars active in Macedonia, with direct links.

Centre for Regional Policy Research and Cooperation "Studiorum"

Name in Macedonian: Центар за регионални истражувања и соработка "Студиорум"
Description: the Centre for Regional Policy Research and Cooperation “Studiorum“ (CRPRC Studiorum) is a non-partisan, non-governmental think-tank working on economic and social aspects of EU integration and globalization processes that are of essential importance for the Republic of Macedonia and the countries of Southeast Europe.
CRPRC Studiorum strives towards accomplishment of its mission through various policy-oriented programs and research projects, which contribute to and complement the attempts of policy-makers in policy design and implementation, and support central and local governments, business and non-governmental sectors in their communication and cooperation.
CRPRC Studiorum’s main activities in the last two years have been:

  • Policy research, analysis and design;
  • Legal analysis and policy advice;
  • Consultancy and other expert services;
  • Technical assistance and trainings;
  • Education;
  • Project management.

These activities have been executed in the following topics:

  • Public Health programme: Health Reform Committee of the Republic of Macedonia – Member of; Legislation and implementation of the patients’ rights;
  • Roma Inclusion / Roma Health; Public spending in health sector; and Patient Safety;
  • Human Rights programme: Human Rights Policy; Anti-discrimination; Minority rights - Special focus on Roma (focusing on research in the areas from the Decade); and Integration and migration;
  • New Media and Society programme: E-tools for active citizenship; and Web portal of the Journal for European Issues “Evrodijalog”.

Some of CRPRC Studiorum’s most recent publications include:

  • Policy Brief: How Macedonia Can Keep Pace with European Standards for Prevention and Protection Against Discrimination (2010)
  • Position paper: In the limbo: Solving the status and citizenship of Roma in Macedonia (2010)
  • Human Rights in Health Care – A Practitioners Guide. CRPRC Studiorum and Medical Faculty Skopje (2010)
  • Patient Safety in Eastern Europe and Asia: Baselines and Advances (2008);
  • Fighting corruption to improve governance (2009).

CRPRC Studiorum also publishes the Journal for European Issues “Evrodijalog” with over 100 published articles up to date. A complete list of editions and articles can be found at and at the Central and Eastern European Online Library

Center for Research and Policy Making

Description:  The Center for Research and Policy Making is an organization that has a mission to promote good governance and development in Macedonia on the basis of relevant, evidence based policy research, capacity building and trainings, evaluations, analyses and surveys, without regard to and independently of the particular interests of any group of the society, either political, social or economic.
Language: English

Visit the website of the Center for Research and Policy Making (in English)

Euro-Balkan Institute for Social and Humanities Research

Name in Macedonian: Институт за општествени и хуманистички истражувања "Евро-Балкан"
Description:  The “Euro-Balkan” Institute is a higher education and scientific research institution grown out of an independent, non-governmental, non-partisan and not-for-profit think tank. It fosters academic excellence in research and postgraduate education in the fields of social sciences and humanities by promoting a rare integrated interdisciplinary approach to studying and researching the complex problems facing the country and region from multiple and new perspectives for Macedonian academia. Research and postgraduate teaching interdisciplinary programs are primarily focused on gender studies, cultural studies of the Balkans and Southeastern Europe, and political studies of Southeastern Europe.

The institute integrates its academic research program with its policy research agenda by conducting complex and highly professional analyses, program evaluations, education and training activities, and pilot projects with the view of developing evidence based public policy in Macedonia, influencing public opinion, and thus supporting reforms in all spheres of Macedonian society.

All the activities of the institute are geared towards strengthening democracy, creating a progressive, open and inclusive society, developing an authentic European identity and culture deeply respectful of differences, encouraging regional and Euro-Atlantic integration and advocating for a sustainable development of the Republic of Macedonia.
Languages: Macedonian, English

Visit the website of the Euro-Balkan Institute for Social and Humanities Research (in Macedonian)
Visit the website of the Euro-Balkan Institute for Social and Humanities Research (in English)

Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis” Skopje

Name in Macedonian: Институтот за Демократија "Социетас Цивилис"
Description: the Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis” Skopje is a research centre which promotes the development and implementation of democratic values in the country. Through research and analysis activities, the institute fosters public awareness and informed debate.  
Languages: Macedonian, English

Visit the website of the Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis” Skopje (in Macedonian)
Visit the website of the Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis” Skopje (in English)

Intsitute for National History

Description: The Institute of National History has two main goals: research of the historical processes that have taken place in the territory of the Republic of Macedonia and the Balkans since the ancient times until today, as well as, training new historians through postgraduate and doctoral studies. In addition, the institute’s researchers take part in open social debates, numerous interviews, lectures, promotions, tribunes etc. By implementing such activities, the Institute contributes to the domestic and world scientific community and the cultural development of the Republic of Macedonia. The Institute is accomplishing its mission in an open and unprejudiced intellectual atmosphere.
Languages: Macedonian, English

Visit the website of the Intsitute for National History (in Macedonian)
Visit the website of the Intsitute for National History (in English)

Institute for Political and International Studies

Description: The Institute for Political and International Studies (IPIS) is an independent, non-partisan, non-governmental and non-profit, think-tank organization. It has been created by a group of intellectuals and analysts with extensive experience in foreign policy and policy-making issues, who are gathered around the ideas of democracy, solidarity, globalization, European integration, political and international studies and regional cooperation.

The long term objectives of the Institute are to work on balanced socio- economic development, capacity building and trainings, active citizen engagement and participative political environments. The Institute focuses its activities on rule of law, evidence based policy research, good governance and multiethnic and multicultural co-existence. In partnership with the Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP) and the Albanian Institute for International Studies (AIIS), IPIS works primarily on stoichiometric research and project-based activities.

IPIS’s growth is directly linked to an availability of resources for self-reflection. In this sense, the Institute advocates policy recommendations and strives to enrich public discourse through promotion of evidence based policy, publishing, public events, diligent team work and individual productivity and working closely with other national and international research institutions.

Vision: IPIS’s envisioned future is to become the most influential Balkan think-tank offering sound analysis as well as advice and influencing policy agendas of Macedonia and the Southeast European region in various formats. Also, the Institute envisions offering an abundance of research resources (data bases; books; articles; papers; internet based resources and other logistical support) to individual researchers, professionals, journalist, students, civil society organizations and interested parties. IPIS’s research work will contribute to good governance, sound policy advice and spread of knowledge among a variety of actors. In doing this, IPIS specifically targets academics, governments, civil society organizations and private companies.

Language: English

Visit the website of the Institute for Political and International Studies (in English)

Macedonian Centre for International Cooperation (MCIC)

Name in Macedonian: Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка
Description: established in 1993, the MCIC is a research centre actively engaged in fosetring civil society and active citizenship in the country. Through its projects it supports local and rural development, social cohesion as well as acceptance of social diversity, good governance in Macedonia and the European integration process. 
: Macedonian, English, Albanian

Visit the website of the Macedonian Centre for International Cooperation (in Macedonian)
Visit the website of the Macedonian Centre for International Cooperation (in English)

Max van den Stoel Scientific Institute

Name in Macedonian: Македонски центар за меѓународна соработка
Description: Established as an scientific-academic unit of the University on 21.03.2012, Max van den Stoel Scientific Institute was named according to the name of the former OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Max van der Stoel (1924-2011) who used to be very active in the region with his diplomatic efforts on conflict prevention and as one of the main initiators for establishing the South East European University.
September 2012, the Institute was registered at the Ministry of Education and Science in the register of the entities which perform scientific, research and educational activity.The mission of the Institute “Max van den Stoel” is development and organization of research and education activities in the field of humanitarian sciences: political sciences, international relations, law and public administration and as well as inter-disciplinary areas of preventive diplomacy, inter cultural reconciliation, conflict resolution and conflict prevention. The Institute’s key activity is research (development and implementation of the research projects). The final goal of the Institute is to develop a clime where the scientific truth will be the most important criteria in developing an open rational society that will face regional challenges and global challenges by contributing to the development of a safer and better world.
Macedonian, English, Albanian

Visit the website of the Max van den Stoel Scientific Institute (in Macedonian)
Visit the website of the Max van den Stoel Scientific Institute (in English)
Visit the website of the Max van den Stoel Scientific Institute (in Albanian)

Preparing Global Leaders Institute

Description: The “Preparing Global Leaders Institute” is a premiere two week program for the best students and young professionals in the world. Participants will take short courses on political economy, international relations, diplomacy, foreign policy, leadership and communication from a distinguished, award-winning faculty.
Summit delegates will demonstrate their skills and knowledge through media, speech, parliamentary, and advertising simulations and competitions. Distinguished world leaders will also work with delegates.
Many cultural field trips with delegates from over 30+ countries are also a key component of the program. The program seeks to prepare aspiring global scholar-leaders with the tools that are necessary for effective leadership in an increasingly complex world.
: English

Visit the website of the Preparing Global Leaders Institute (in English)


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