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Università di Bologna  
Wednesday January 22, 2025
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European Regional Master's Degree in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe

Poznan University College of Business

Name in Polish: Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu


Description: Poznan University College of Business and ForeignLanguages offers an English language Bachelor of Arts in BusinessManagement in response to the changing needs of employers and marketsin the European Union (EU) and the world. Our international studentbody in the heart of Europe reflects trends toward a globalizedintercultural business environment where English has become a languageof choice. Our curriculum is focused on the skills and knowledge youneed for success. We know that your time is important. You can completethe program of study in three years at a very reasonable cost; tuitionand fees come to 4,500 USD (United States Dollar) per academic year.For out of EU students the fee must be paid for the first two years inadvance if your admission is granted before you apply for Polish visa.This comes to 9,000 USD. This rule does not apply to EU, American andCanadian citizens.Your dreams and ambitions arethe source of our recognized excellence. In 2006, Poznan UniversityCollege of Business and Foreign Languages was the only institution ofhigher learning in Poland to be awarded the European Institute ofQuality Certificate. This year our university college was awarded anErasmus University Charter for 2007-2013. Our mission is you. Your selfdevelopment is the benchmark by which we evaluate our own performance.We are in the business of building business intellects for an everincreasingly interconnected and intercultural world.
Oneof our central goals is the development of further cooperation withEuropean University Charter Schools and other universities and collegesoutside of Europe through faculty and student exchanges. Agreementsbetween our college, and both Adam Mickiewicz University and the PoznanUniversity of Economics enables our students to continue their studiesat these particular schools and get a master's degree. Poland's EUmembership and our EU accreditation provides our graduates withopportunities to study at European or American graduate schools. Ourcollege has full cooperation agreements with Tampere University ofTechnology in Tampere, Finland, Agder University College, Norway,Partium Christian University in Oradea, Romania, and DebrecenUniversity in Debrecen, Hungary; and exchange agreements with theUniversity of Louisville in the United States of America, and theRotterdam School of Management at Erasmus University in theNetherlands. Our commitment to the synergy of ideas is underscored byour sponsoring international conferences. This year our internationalmanagement conference is entitled, Innovation in Management: Thecutting edge of Business Education and Practice in an Epoch of GlobalCollaboration
Poznan University College ofBusiness and Foreign Languages is a private undergraduate institutionfounded on 3 October 2001. We were established in accordance with theprovisions of Poland's National Education Act, 29 June 1997. Havingbeen fully accredited by the Polish Ministry of National Education andSports, our university college has been entered into the NationalRegistry of Private Higher Vocational Institutions. We meet all EUstandards for awarding bachelor of arts degrees.
Poznanis known as the birthplace of Poland. Poznan Cathedral, the oldestcathedral in Poland, was built on the 10th and 11th century tombs ofthe first Polish kings. Poznan, the fifth largest city in Poland, islocated halfway between Berlin and Warsaw. With a population of over600,000 inhabitants, Poznan has traditionally been and remains a vitalcenter for culture, banking and commerce. Today, the city's vibrant andstable economy continues to attract both Polish and foreign investment.Poznan is a city with twenty-four institutions of higher learning andhas a university student population of some 130,000. Poznan's economicdynamism, healthy environment, and moderate climate all make it a greatplace to live and study.
Our school is anintegral part of Poznan, and as such, we encourage all our students tobe involved with the local community. Many of our internationalstudents have been fully integrated into our university college'scommunity service programs, such as, teaching foreign languages todisadvantaged children and violence prevention programs. As an exampleof community involvement, many of our faculty members and internationalstudents participated in the Poznan Festival of Science and Art,"Openings to the World," 10-12 October 2007, giving presentations on avariety of topics.
Languages: English, Polish


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