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Master in Advanced European and International Studies 2016/17 - Anglophone branch


Venues: Istanbul - Berlin - Nice
Period: October 2016 - July 2017
Application deadline: July 1, 2016

The Master in Advanced European and International Studies - Anglophone branch aims at giving students an overarching, encompassing vision of the political, social, economic, and cultural challenges of today’s world. The Master’s programme follows an original approach which distinguishes it from other Master’s courses in European Studies and International Relations: The MAEIS is an international, interdisciplinary and itinerant programme. Following the slogan “Learning and living Europe”, the participants rotate each trimester, moving their place of studies from Istanbul to Berlin and then to Nice. 
The Anglophone branch of the Master in Advanced European and International Studies is is a one-year programme, subdivided into three study terms. It is taught in English and offers a comprehensive perspective on the chances and challenges for the European Union and contemporary international politics.

Overview of the year:
The first term starts in Istanbul on the campus of our partner, Istanbul Bilgi University. It encompasses classes on the basics of all five modules of the programme (International Relations, European Integration, Economy and Globalisation and Federalism and Governance), completed by the seminar «Project cycle management», the core part of the fifth module "Professional Skills Workshops".

The second term in Berlin starts off in January where teaching continues with a focus on Eastern Europe and enlargement issues of the European Union, the new international order and the transformation process in Eastern and Central Europe, as well as EU economics. Our partner in Berlin, the Institut für Europäische Politik, provides a dialogue with European integration experts and offers an insight into political life in Berlin. During this period the participants take their mid-term exams. A one-week study trip takes them to the European and international organisations in Brussels, Strasbourg and Luxembourg.

For their third term, students move on to Nice. Here, besides following in-depth courses in the five modules, students will have the opportunity to advance in their research work, as the months of May and June are left at the students’ disposal to work on their thesis. The programme concludes with the defence of the thesis and the final exams in the beginning of July. With their graduation, students become part of CIFE’s wide Alumni network.


The requirements

This graduate programme is aimed at students who have already completed a first degree (minimum three years of study at university level). Furthermore, students must have a good knowledge of English. For a full list of the documents required for the application, please see:



Students who successfully complete the programme are awarded two certifications at the end of the academic year:

  • The Master in Advanced European and International Studies. This is the diploma of CIFE, certifying the successful completion of the academic curriculum and granting 60 ECTS credits at Master level.
  • The degree qualification Chargé de Mission en Organisations Européennes et Internationales (Policy Officer in European and International Organisations). This qualification is recognised by the French state as a degree at Master level (level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework EQF).


Regular tuitions fees for the Master in Advanced European and International Studies - Anglophone branch are 8 900 €. They include: the full accommodation costs in Berlin and Nice, the travel costs (with the group) to reach Berlin and Nice, travel and accommodation costs during the study trip, all the costs related to the application (processing of the application, administration of the students' file) and the academic services, as well as the costs for the access to documentation centres and libraries. Please note that the tuitions fees do NOT include general living expenses (e.g. meals, others) and the accomodation in Istanbul.



A limited number of tuition fee scholarships can be awarded to particularly qualified students.
The funds available are intended to cover the expenses for living and studying. The request for a scholarship can be sent using the online application form and by uploading the supporting documents. It will be then evaluated by the Academic Board once the candidate is accepted into the programme.


How to participate to the Application

Interested students can either apply via our online application form: or download the application form at: and send the filled out form via email or via postal mail.
Please note that the deadline for applications is the July 1, 2016. Do not hesistate to contact us to ask any queries on the application procedure.


Information & contacts

Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE)
Institut Européen·European Institute

address: 81, rue de France - 06000 NICE - France

+33 (0)4 93 97 93 86
+33 (0)4 93 97 93 98


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