PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
Tuesday January 21, 2025
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East, rivista internazionale di geopolitica
European Regional Master's Degree in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe

IECOB Research Team

Adriatic Ionian Macroregion

The Iecob Research Team is a junior research unit launched under the initiative of Prof. Stefano Bianchini and focused on the analysis of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region EUSAIR. The Team’s main research field is the implementation of European Macroregional policies with special attention to the development of human capital and the creation of mobility schemes and transnational educational frameworks. On behalf of Iecob, the Team has contributed to the “Public Consultation on the EUSAIR” promoted by the European Commission – Regional Policies (DG Regio) and follows the political progresses of the Adriatic Ionian Macroregion.









Iecob Research Team


Veronica Favalli

Veronica Favalli' s profile
Veronica Favalli

Affiliation: IECOB, University of Bologna
Address: Rue de Florence, 35 - Brussels, 1050 Belgium
Mobile: +32 0484 74 2266


Main scientific activities
- MA International Relations and Diplomatic Affairs - Curriculum: Economics and Development Policies
School of Political Sciences "Roberto Ruffilli", University of Bologna, Forlì, Italy.  
Main subjects: EU public law, contemporary history, international economics, economics of development, international relations, statistic and IT, economics and governance of the EU, econometrics, regionalism and federalism in the EU, German and French.
• Dissertation:"Macro-regional Strategies in Territorial Cooperation: The Future of European Regional Policy" (Prof. Baldi and Prof. Bianchini).
- Erasmus Exchange program, Potsdam University.International relations Joint Master, Potsdam and Berlin, Germany          
- BSc on Politics and International Relations, School of Political Sciences, University of Bologna, Forlì, Italy.            
Main subjects: EU comparative politics, Eastern Europe history and politics, political philosophy, french, public international law, contemporary history, international economics, international relations,micro and macroeconomics, German and English.
• Dissertation: "The Croatian national identity" (Prof. Privitera).


-“Education, Culture and Mobility: building awareness and human capital in the Adriatic-Ionian Macroregion”, Centro Stampa Regionale Emilia-Romagna, Bologna, Italy.
- "Macro-regional strategies in Territorial Cooperation: The future of European Regional Policy" (Prof. Baldi and Prof. Bianchini) - published on the “Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe” by IECOB & AIS (ISBN: 978-88-96951-12-5).

- IECOB – Research Team Adriatic Ionian Macroregion


Adriano Remiddi

Adriano Remiddi's profile
Adriano Remiddi

Affiliation: IECOB, University of Bologna
Address: Zmaja od Bosne 8, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mobile: +387 062424594


Main scientific activities
- Academic Tutor at ERMA - Democracy and Human Rights in South-East Europe, University of Bologna & University of Sarajevo;
- Assistant to the Director at Center for Constitutional Studies and Democratic Development, Johns Hopkins University SAIS Europe & University of Bologna;
- Freelance Contributor at LIMES-Italian Review of Geopolitics;
- (MIREES) Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Research and Studies on Eastern Europe, University of Bologna - School of Political Sciences, Forlì Campus.


- 2012, “La penetrazione turca nei Balcani occidentali: potenzialità di una riconciliazione euro-atlantica” in “I Balcani e l'Europa Centro Orientale: i rapporti con il vicino ed estremo oriente”, PECOB – Univerity of Bologna, Italy, ISBN: 978-88-96951-02-06;
- 2012, Mechelewska M., “Polonia 2010” in “L'Europa centrale nel 2010: politica, economia e diplomazia”, PECOB – Univerity of Bologna, Italy, ISBN: 978-88-96951-06-4;
- 2013, “Turkey in the Western Balkans: between Orientalist Cultural Proximity and Re-orientation of Regional Equilibria”, Balkan Social Science Review, University Goce Delcev, Stip, FYR Macedonia;
- 2014, Forthcoming: Favalli V., Jurisic T., Erittu E., “Education, Culture and Mobility: building awareness and human capital in the Adriatic-Ionian Macroregion”, Centro Stampa Regionale Emilia-Romagna, Bologna, Italy.

- Panelist at: Immigration, Nation and Public History symposium, Strand Campus - King's College London, paper title: “The Balkan Diaspora to Australia: between ethnic-nationalism and misleading media representation” June 18th 2014.
- Guest speaker at: EUSAIR Forum of the Adriatic Ionian Universities – Building a macro-regional awareness in Adriatic-Ionian territories, Bologna, Italy, December 5th and 6th 2013.
- Guest speaker at: Alumni Conference at Vytautas Magnus University, Rethinking The World: Liberal Arts, Creative Imagination and Success, Kaunas, Lithuania, 17thand18th October 2013.

- IECOB – Research Team Adriatic Ionian Macroregion


Tomislav Jurisic

Tomislav Jurisic's profile
Tomislav Jurisic

Affiliation: IECOB, University of Bologna
Address: Makarska 24,Split 21000,Croatia
Mobile: +39 3397096741, +38 5955871564


Main scientific activities
- MA Interdisciplinary Research and Studies on Eastern Europe (Mirees), University of Bologna- Faculty of Political Science, Forlì.
- Advanced Diploma in Project Cycle Management, ISPI, Milano.
- Training Course in International Law of Armed Conflicts, Faculty of Political Science R. Ruffilli, Forlì.
- Advanced Training Course for Experts in Projects for International Cooperation, Department of Economics of Parma and NGO Cestas, Bologna.
- Thesis research: International Networks, Cooperation between Cities.
- He has worked as a trainee at the office of International Relations and European Projects of the municipality of Forlì.

- 2014 Forthcoming: “Education, Culture and Mobility: building awareness and human capital in the Adriatic-Ionian Macroregion”, Centro Stampa Regionale Emilia-Romagna, Bologna, Italy.

- Assistant at the NGO Cestas (Bologna) during the formulation of the project IN.MEn.SO Integración y mediación socio - laboral de grupos minoritarios.
- IECOB – Research Team Adriatic Ionian Macroregion


Eleonora Erittu


Affiliation: University of Bologna
Address: via venezia 18, OG 08040
Mobile: +39 3487301728

Main scientific activities

- Main subjects: International politics and Media, Social media and politics, International relations, political strategy analysis, media economy, law of information,  theory of political philosophy, political communication, analysis of public opinion, sociology of political cultures, multiculturalism
- Master Student in Mass Media and Politics, School of Political Sciences, University of Bologna
- BA in International Relation, Faculty of Political Science “Roberto Ruffilli”, University of Bologna, September 2012
- Erasmus Student at University of Lubiana, Faculty of Social Science, Fall 2011

- 2014 Forthcoming: “Education, Culture and Mobility: building awareness and human capital in the Adriatic-Ionian Macroregion”, Centro Stampa Regionale Emilia-Romagna, Bologna, Italy.

- Tutor for International Activities, School of Political Science - Forlì Campus, University of Bologna
- Intern at AFS Branch Office Croatia, Globus – the Association for Intercultural learning- , May- August 2013
- IECOB – Research Team Adriatic Ionian Macroregion


M. Caterina Ghobert


Affiliation: University of Bologna
Address: via Gandhi, 2 38123 – Trento - TN - Italy
Mobile: +39 349 5453250

Main scientific activities
- B. A. in Cultural and Linguistic Mediation - University of Padova, 2012. Thesis: The Communites of Trentini in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- M. A. in Interdisciplinary Studies on Eastern Europe (MIREES) at the University of Bologna (Forlì campus), spending a mobility period at the Faculty of Political Sciences of Banja Luka. Current thesis research on ethnic minorities in BiH and Bulgaria.

- Guest speaker at: EUSAIR Forum of the Adriatic Ionian Universities – Building a macro-regional awareness in Adriatic-Ionian territories, Bologna, Italy, December 5th and 6th 2013.


- Assistant at the NGO Cestas (Bologna) during the formulation of the project IN.MEn.SO Integración y mediación socio - laboral de grupos minoritarios.
- IECOB – Research Team Adriatic Ionian Macroregion


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