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Galicia in the time of the Hapsburgs (1771-1918)

History, society and cultures in contact

edited by: Jacques Le Rider and Heinz Raschel 
original title (in French): La Galicie au Temps des Habsbourg (1772 - 1918): Histoire, Societe, Cultures en contact.
published by: Presse Universitaires Francois-Rambelais
pp: 404
ISBN: 978-2-86906-256-6
price: € 22

Book's frontpage

Galicia, a territory annexed by the Austrian monarchy during the partition of Poland (1772 to 1795), was both a land of conflict (with the repression of the Polish nationalist movement in the first half of the XIX century; with tensions between Polish and Ruthanian or Ukrainian populations during the era of the Liberal Empire; and with social problems tied to the infamous Galician misery) and a microcosm civilized and pacified by Hapsburgian policies. The Hapsburgian mythology of the harmonious coexistence of people, languages and confessions, nostalgically captured in the writings of the novelist Joseph Roth, transformed the historical reality. The multicultural civilization of Galicia was in fact destroyed by two world wars, the Holocaust, and then again by Stalinism. But this territory, now split between Poland and the Ukraine, is also a site of vivid, alive and fascinating memories of Central Europe.

Following a colloquia organized in January 2009 in Tours (at the University François-Rabelais) and in Paris (at the École pratique des Hautes Études), this volume is assembles and presents contributions to the political, social, cultural and literary history of Galicia.


Table of contents

Foreword and Introduction
Jacques Le Rider and Heinz Raschel

First Part: From its origins to 1790

1. Pierre Gonneau, Galicia before the Hapsburgs (French)

2. Jean Berenger, The integration of Galicia into the Austrian Monarchy (French)

Second Part: Diverity, Interculturality and conflicts
1. Isabel Röskau – Rydel, Interculturality and bilingualism in Galicia (1772 – 1918) (French)

2. Francisca Solomon, On Haskala and Zionism in Galicia. A connotative association of ideas in the examples of Nathan Samuely (1846 – 1921) and Saul Raphael Landau (1870 – 1943). (German)

3. Dominique Bourel, The Jews of Lemberg: the Buber family. (French)

4. Delphine Bechtel, Pre-1939 Eastern Jewish Galicia as multicultural universe (French)

5. Francine-Dominique Leichtenhan, Galicia of the Pan-Slavists: Integration or instrumentalization? (French)

6. Jan Surman, On Barbarism and on Civilization. The conflicts between Polish students and Rutherians in 1907 and its journalistic representation. (French)

7. Stefan Simonek, Galicia as the object of Slavic scholars research in Austria (1988 – 2009) (German)

8. Andrei Corbea-Hoisie, Negative Galician stereotypes in the Bukovian public prior to World War One. (German)

9. Jan Rydal, The Joint Army and Galician Society. (German)

Third Part: Economic, social and cultural modernization

1. Frédéric Barbier, The Library in Galicia (1772 – 1914) (French)

2. Klemens Kaps, Competition over space and the ethnosizing of the economy. Peddling in the age of the first Globalization (1867 – 1918) (German)

4. Angelique Leszczawski-Schwerk, Women’s Movements in the conflict arena of regional, transnational, and international networks, with the example of Lembergs (1867 – 1918) (German)

5. Jérôme Segal, Black Gold and against the Yellow Star: particular mobility among the Jews of Galicia who invested in petroleum (French)

Forth Part: Representations of Galicia
1. Krzyztof ZamorskiThe Misery of Galicia: The sense and non-sense of a historic metaphor. (French)

2. Jacque le Rider, The impression and knowledge of Galicia in France before World War One. (French)

3. Daniel Baric, Galicia as a metaphor: the opposing views of Joseph Roth and Miroslav Krleža (French)

4. Philippe Chardin, The imaginary and the problematic of the worlds in the March of Radetzky by Joseph Roth and in The Confusions of the student Törless by Robert Musil (French)

5. Dirk Niefanger, Joseph Roth shows the old Lemberg: His last travels with Irmgard Keun (German)

6. Yuri Andrukhovych, The Ruins drew me in since my youth… (French)



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