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Ethnicity, Race and Nationalism in European Media and Film: Rights, Responsibilities, Representations

Venue: Manchester, UK
Period: May 23 - 25, 2013


Eastern Europe demonstrates difficulties in managing ethnic diversity in the face of global mass population movements. The recent explosion of migration flows across the world and the current global financial and economic crisis have combined to raise the prominence of issues of ethnicity, race and nationalism in most countries. The European media play a crucial role both in exacerbating the tensions which inter-ethnic relations arouse, as the spread of racial hate language and nationalist extremism on the internet, and in fostering inter-ethnic cohesion and harmony, as national policies on promoting diversity and equality in broadcasting.
The purpouse of this conference is to discuss about the sense of various types of media, including the reliant on new communication technologies: other topics are the social cohesion in European societies, ethnic and racial minorities in national broadcasting system, the conceptual frames to which journalists and film-makers in various European societies resort, and finally how have cinematic imaginations of national and European identity refracted the shifting consensus on values of ethnic diversity.

The participants

The keynote speakers are:

  • John Downing, Professor Emeritus at the Department of Radio-Television, Southern Illinois University, USA.
  • Marie Gillespie, Professor in Sociology, The Open University, UK.
  • Henri Nickels, Programme Manager for Research (Social Science) at the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights in Vienna
  • Sabrina P. Ramet, Professor of Political Science at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway.
  • Richard Stone, OBE, Dr. Stone was a panel member of the 'Stephen Lawrence Inquiry' into racism in policing (1997/99) as Adviser to the judge Sir William Macpherson.

How to participate to the Conference

To partecipate to this conference you can email your proposals (250 words) for papers of up to 20 minutes in length and your one-page CVs to the conference organisers, Professors Stephen Hutchings and Vera Tolz, by 30 September 2012.

Organizer and Partners

Information & contacts

Prof. Stephen Hutchings
Prof. Vera Tolz
University of Manchester


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