This area offers a wide range of continuously updated news regarding both academic and cultural events together with academic calls and study programs
The Conference page of the Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe (PECOB) presents information on upcoming academic conferences. These conferences take place or deal with Central Eastern and Balkan Europe in a variety of disciplines: political science, sociology, anthropology, economics, language and literature. PECOB provides infromation on the program, participants and location of a conference to scholars, students and every one who is interested in participating.
Upcoming conferences, whose details are provided in the links below, will be discussing issues such as the condition of minorities, romanian studies, anthropology. Moreover, a PhD symposium on Southeast Europe is organized by some of the most important British research centers in London. Many conferences will focus on post-communist studies.
What keeps us apart, what keeps us together? International Order, Justice, Values
The Europe of Languages and Russian: cenrtificates, institutions and tools for a new mediation (CIEURUS)
The distinctive feature of the conference is its focus on global transition and the aspiration to provide diverse perspectives on the process of change and evolution on regional and local level.
The conference is a forum for the exchange of business strategies and knowledge and to aid in building business networks both within Slovenia and across its borders.
The main intention of the conference is to pay attention to the influence of the science and technology on forming a knowledge society.
The objective of the conference is to bring together academics and practitioners from all over the world to discuss timely issues in social sciences.
The Wroclaw conference will take as its starting points key European policy processes, and national frameworks and analyse their impact on institutional governance within an environment characterised by growing diversity in institutional missions.
It is open to OSCE participating States and Partners for Co-operation and aims to strengthen political co-operation with regard to transit transportation through Central Asia and adjacent areas.
The 6th "Environment for Europe" will bring ministers and high-level delegates from 56 UNECE member states and the European Commission, representatives of the United Nations organisations, other intergovernmental organisations, non-governmental organisations, financial institutions and the private sector. The Conference will review progress in implementing agreed commitments since the Kiev EfE Ministerial Conference in 2003.