This area offers a wide range of continuously updated news regarding both academic and cultural events together with academic calls and study programs
The Calls section of PECOB collects information about calls that deal with Central Eastern and Balkan Europe. Each link below displays information on calls for applications, calls for conferences and calls for papers that fall within PECOB's sphere of activity. Browse the calls below to find out more about deadlines, requirements and other useful information.
Calls are listed according to their deadline. Those currently displayed on this page include a call for papers for a 2013 Congress on European crisis, calls for applications for various summer schools and master courses, a call for papers on the intersection of identities in Central Eastern Europe and a prize for the translation of russian poetry.
order by date of validity, descending
This conference aims to understand how fiction, thanks to its heuristic function, managed to participate in the transformation of scientific activity and reconfigure science and power relation.
The aim of this international scientific conference is to re-think and re-consider the concept of the region taking into consideration available European examples and to publicly debate on complex challenges awaiting Europe and Croatia in the 21st century. The conference will put together prominent political scientists and historians in order to discuss, analyze and define a pro-active politics of Croatia as a member state of the EU with regard to the problems Mediterranean is facing.
From a global viewpoint, the Barents Sea and the Baltic Sea – which are separated by the relatively narrow Fennoscandian peninsula – belong to the same Nordic sea region. The shortest distance by land from the Gulf of Bothnia to the White Sea is less than 400 kilometres.
Within the context of its research program “Strategic Perspectives of the European Left”, the transform! network is calling for research papers.
University College Dublin will host a series of conferences on globalising the history of revolutions. The first will take place in October 2015. Their goal is to probe the means of comparison across national contexts, regions and continents.
The Department of EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies at the College of Europe invites scholars to submit proposals for papers to be presented at an international conference on “Theorizing the European Neighbourhood Policy” to be held on 17-18 September 2015 at the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium.
One of the most successful transnational European projects in the 20th century was Formalism and its heirs: Structuralism and, as some would argue, literary theory as such. Formalism profoundly affected intellectual trends in the Humanities and Social Sciences, well beyond literary analysis and linguistics. This conference will explore how the various local political, social and cultural contexts influenced the development of formalist thought, and how Eastern and Central Europe contributed to its, ultimately, universal career.