This area offers a wide range of continuously updated news regarding both academic and cultural events together with academic calls and study programs
The Calls section of PECOB collects information about calls that deal with Central Eastern and Balkan Europe. Each link below displays information on calls for applications, calls for conferences and calls for papers that fall within PECOB's sphere of activity. Browse the calls below to find out more about deadlines, requirements and other useful information.
Calls are listed according to their deadline. Those currently displayed on this page include a call for papers for a 2013 Congress on European crisis, calls for applications for various summer schools and master courses, a call for papers on the intersection of identities in Central Eastern Europe and a prize for the translation of russian poetry.
order by date of validity, descending
Sugihara Diplomats for Life Foundation in its Platform Casablanca of the North Academy jointly with Vytautas Magnus University (Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy)andValdas Adamkus Presidential Library organized two international conferences: Casablanca of the North: refugees and rescuers in Kaunas 1939 – 1940 (2016) and World after Evian Conference (2018) where scholars from Lithuania, Poland, Germany, Italy, Russia, USA, IsraelandJapan took participation.
The Winter School is part of the Jean Monnet project Democratization and Reconciliation in the Western Balkans. The Winter School will take place in the city of Dubrovnik, at the University of Dubrovnik (University campus), from 9th-16th February 2020.
The IECOB, with its staff and the participation of several professors and researchers of the University of Bologna and the Punto Europa/Europe Direct Network in Forlì, takes part in the three-year Jean Monnet Network “Democratization and Reconciliation in the Western Balkans” project, which started in September 2017.