This area offers a wide range of continuously updated news regarding both academic and cultural events together with academic calls and study programs
The Calls section of PECOB collects information about calls that deal with Central Eastern and Balkan Europe. Each link below displays information on calls for applications, calls for conferences and calls for papers that fall within PECOB's sphere of activity. Browse the calls below to find out more about deadlines, requirements and other useful information.
Calls are listed according to their deadline. Those currently displayed on this page include a call for papers for a 2013 Congress on European crisis, calls for applications for various summer schools and master courses, a call for papers on the intersection of identities in Central Eastern Europe and a prize for the translation of russian poetry.
order by date of validity, descending
Doctoral researchers, both in the early and final stages of pursuing their PhD, are invited to apply for participation in events organized in the framework of the international project on “New Approaches to the History of the Second World War and Its Aftermath in Yugoslavia, Greece, and Albania (1939-1949)”, to take place in Berlin in October 2015 and in Athens in March 2016.
“Centrifugal Forces” will be a three-day conference offering broad interdisciplinary perspectives on approaching regional study. Panels will blend historical and contemporary perspectives on being peripheral.
The aim of this conference is to provide a forum for academic discussion on the complex trans-cultural history of the region and on the role of history education in the formation of mutual perceptions and relationships.
The Elie Wiesel National Institute for the Study of the Holocaust in Romania and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies invite applications for an interdisciplinary regional conference on the Holocaust in Southeastern Europe. The conference will be held May 25–26, 2015 in Bucharest.
The research project “The Theory, Practice, and Transfer of National-Personal Autonomy,” based at the University of Vienna and at the Central European University in Budapest, issues a call for papers for an interdisciplinary workshop to be held in Vienna from 8 to 10 January 2015.
The University of Glasgow invites paper submissions for its 2015 Contemporary Hungarian Studies Postgraduate Conference, that will take place in Glasgow in February 12-13, 2015.
Researchers are invited to submit their papersfor the conference "The Pleasures of Backwardness: Consumer Desire andModernity in Eastern Europe" organised by the University of California,Berkeley.