PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
Wednesday July 03, 2024
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Managing Diversities in Democracy: Minorities, Territories, Self-Determination

21TH CEI Interantional Summer School


Venues: University Residential Center of Bertinoro and Santa Sofia
Period: 1st - 13th September 2015

General information about the program

The Istituto per l’Europa Centro-Orientale e Balcanica (IECOB) is glad to announce the 21th CEI International Summer School ”Managing Diversities in Democracy: Minorities, Territories, Self- Determination”, organized in cooperation with the European Regional Master’s Degree in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe (ERMA) and sponsored by the Central European Initiative (CEI). The summer school will take place at the premises of the University of Bologna’s residential center in Santa Sofia (Forlì) from the 1st to the 13th of September.


Speakers and Contributors


CEI – Central European Initiative

Founded in 1989, the CEI is a regional intergovernmental forum committed to supporting European integration through cooperation among its Member States. It combines multilateral diplomacy and project management, both as donor and recipient, while bridging European macro-regions.
During the days of the conference, we will be glad to host Amb. Giovanni Caracciolo di Vietri and Sen. Lodovico Sonego.


IECOB – Istituto per l’Europa Centro-Orientale e Balcanica

IECOB was founded in 1995 by scholars from different European and American Universities connected through the “Europe and the Balkans International Network”. Since then, IECOB has been active in promoting a yearly Summer School, MA Programmes and vocational courses. The Institute also cooperates with the Alma Mater-University of Bologna and the University of Sarajevo in organising interdisciplinary postgraduate courses.


ERMA - European Regional Master in Democracy and Human Rights in South-East Europe

The European Regional Master in Democracy and Human Rights (ERMA) is a double degree program by University of Sarajevo and the University of Bologna, co-financed by the European Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy. The program promotes the creation of a young generation of perspective officials for state management, inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations, universities and think-tanks in Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo, as well as in the countries belonging to the EU, the rest of Europe, and worldwide. ERMA is a one year interdisciplinary program consisting of three terms that combine academic studies with field research and working experience.


CEI International Summer School Scientific Board

ERMA’s partner Universities representatives

Information & contacts

CEI International Summer School Coordinator
Prof. Stefano Bianchini

Prof. Francesco Privitera

Institute for Central-Eastern and Balkan Europe
University of Bologna

Corso della Repubblica 117, 47121 Forlì, Italy
Tel. +39 0543 36304 - Fax +39 0543 377088

Didactic Secretariat

Adriano Remiddi, Coordinator
Sara Severi, Administrative
Sanja Kajinic
Luciana Moretti
Giuseppe Picheca
Marco Puleri
Alina Trkulja

PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy

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