PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
Wednesday July 03, 2024
Testata per la stampa

International Conference - The strength of Critique: Trajectories of Marxism – Feminism

Conference venue: Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Franz-Mehring-Platz 1, 10243 Berlin
Period: March 20-22, 2015



More than 40 years ago, feminists among Marxists in many countries spoke out. They criticized the concept of labour that was then commonly used in Marxism, they criticized value theory, views on domestic labour and the family, the way of dealing and interacting with each other and with the nature around us, on the economy and wars, visions of the future and the urge for liberation.

They triggered passionate debates – their criticism wasn’t totally ignored. But the work they have carried out on an international scale is far from complete. For some decades feminist Marxist debates subsided because neoliberalism, stumbling from one crisis to another, had brought other issues into focus.

Next year, in March 2015, we intend to pick up the threads. Many of those voices -- and many who have since joined -- will come together at a congress in order to investigate what has been left undone. We will discuss successes and defeats as well as new projects with the intention of finding out together what has been gained so far, what we need to continue working on, what new issues are on the agenda, and how we can bundle our energies to achieve worldwide resonance to our demand to intervene.

What remains as fundamental as almost half a century ago is that socialist feminists join forces internationally.

Participants (between others)

Friederike Benda (Deutschland), Erica Burman (England), Cynthia Cockburn (England), Helen Colley (England), Gabriele Dietrich (Indien), Hester Eisenstein (USA), Zillah Eisenstein (USA), Tucker Pamella Farley (USA), Ann Ferguson (USA), Harriet Fraad (USA), Franziska Dübgen (Deutschland), Julia Dück (Deutschland), Barbara Fried (Deutschland), Martha Gimenez (USA), Hilde Grammel (Österreich), Heidi Hartmann (USA), Sabine Hattinger-Allende (Österreich), Frigga Haug (Deutschland), Catherine Hoskyns (England), Montserrat Galceran Huguet (Spanien), Kristin Ideler (Deutschland), Stefan Kerber-Clasen (Deutschland), Pragya Khanna (Indien), Katja Kipping (Deutschland), Ece Kocabicak (England/Türkei), Karen Kramer (Deutschland/USA), Birge Krondorfer (Österreich), Ruth May (Deutschland), Shahrzad Mojab (Kanada), Mechthild Nagel (USA), Eva Palomo (Spanien), Sabine Plonz (Deutschland), Katharina Pühl (Deutschland), Shirin Rai (England), Nora Räthzel (Schweden), Adrienne Roberts (England), Saskia Sassen (USA), Dieter Sauer (Deutschland), Veronica Schild (Kanada/Chile), Sarah Schulman (USA), Susanne Schultz (Deutschland), Ines Schwerdtner (Deutschland), Terri Seddon (Australien), Lynne Segal (England), Tove Soiland (Schweiz), Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (USA/Indien), Sybille Stamm (Deutschland), Barbara Steiner (Österreich), Daniela Tepe-Belfrage (England), Lise Vogel (USA), Katharina Volk (Deutschland), Christa Wichterich (Deutschland) Gabriele Winker (Deutschland), Uta von Winterfeld (Deutschland), Kerstin Wolter (Deutschland), Nira Yuval-Davis (England).


Information & contacts

Michaela Klingberg
tel.: (030) 44310-160

PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy

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