PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
Monday July 22, 2024
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International Conference - The Jews and the Nation-States of South-Eastern Europe from the 1848 Revolutions to the Great Depression: Combining Viewpoints on a Controversial Story

Conference venue: Trieste, Italy
Period: May 12-13, 2014



The University of Trieste organises the international conference "The Jews and the Nation-States of South-Eastern Europe from the 1848 Revolutions to the Great Depression: Combining Viewpoints on a Controversial Story", that will take place in Trieste on May 12-13, 2014.


Monday 12 May, h. 15.30-18.30

Greetings of the Authorities
Marco Dogo (University of Trieste)
Karen Barkey (Columbia University, New York City)
Empires and Diversity: Religious Differences and the Spirit of Coexistence

1st session
Chair: Catherine Horel (UMR IRICE, Université de Paris I)
discussant: Milan Ristović (University of Belgrade)
Emanuela Costantini (University of Perugia)
Neither Foreigners, nor Citizens: Romanian Jews’ Long Road to Citizenship
Bojan Mitrović (University of Trieste)
Integration into What? The Jews of Serbia, Croatia and Yugoslavia 1878-1929
Marco Dogo, Loyalty Sorely Tried: The Jews and the Bulgarian State, 1878-1935


Paris Papamichos Chronakis (Brown University)
Changing Times, Shifting Geographies: The Jews of Greece, 1830-1930
Gianluca Volpi (University of Udine)
The Tie and the Kaftan: Hungarian Jews between Emancipation, Assimilation and Zionism (1848-1914)
Maja Savić-Bojanić (University of Buckingham)
Political Activism in Times of Repression: Jewish Political Participation in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1848 until 1939

Tuesday 13 May, h. 10.00-13.00

2nd session
Chair: Aron Rodrigue (Stanford University)
discussant: Catherine Horel
Paolo Luca Bernardini (Insubria University)
Looking East, Thinking West: Isidore Loeb on the Ottoman Jews
Annalisa Di Fant (University of Trieste)
East European Jewry under Western Watch: An Overview of the Official Publications of the Alliance Israélite Universelle 1860-1930
Noëmie Duhaut (University College London)
The Alliance Israélite Universelle and the Jews in Romania: The Emergence of a Legal Discourse (1860-1872)


Jean-Claude Kuperminc (AIU, Paris)
The Archives of the Alliance Israélite Universelle: A Unique Source for South-Eastern European Jewry
Alexandru Bar (Tel Aviv University)
An Investigation into Cultural Diversity: Jewish Heritage in the European Culture (case study: Romania 1855-1933)

Tuesday 13 May, h. 15.30-18.30

3rd session
Chair: Milan Ristović
discussant: Aron Rodrigue
Tullia Catalan (University of Trieste)
South-Eastern European Jews in the Policies of the West-European Philanthropical Associations (1878-1930)
Björn Siegel (Centre for German-Jewish History/University of Sussex)
The Viennese Jewish Alliance (Israelitische Allianz zu Wien) and Its Attempt to Modernize Central Europe
Marco Bencich (University of Trieste)
The Italian Zionists and their Attitudes toward East European Jewry between the Late 19th Century and the First World War


Elena Mazzini
(Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)
Looking East: Politics and Cultures of the Eastern Jews as Reflected in the Italian Jewish Press (1878-1914)
Constanze Kolbe (Indiana University)
Trans-Imperial Networks: Jewish Merchant Mobility across and beyond the Ionian Mediterranean


Information & contacts

University of Trieste

PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy

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