PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
Wednesday July 03, 2024
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Call for Papers - Recognition and Socialism


Conference venue: Frankfurt, Germany
Period: July 18, 2014
Deadline for submitting abstracts: April 1, 2014
Deadline for submitting full papers: July 1, 2014


It is one of the central claims of Hegel's social philosophy that modern civil societies –especially as far asmarkets of goods and laborplay a central role within them– are not only spheres of self-interested, strategic action, but also of intersubjective recognition. Hegel assumes that, throughtheir participation in themarket, individuals can experience that their achievements are socially valued. However it is unclear whether this is meantby Hegelas a description of actually existing societies or whether it makes explicit a normative demand that theydo not yetfulfill.

Furthermore, an entire tradition of social critique has rejectedHegel'sclaimof the compatibility of market societies and recognitionby pointing out that the modern, capitalist mode of production systematically produces forms of injustice and exploitation that not only undermine the formal equality of citizens, but also generate social pathologies like alienation and reification which impede their full participation in social practices of recognition. For this reason, it was denied, by Marx in particular, that therecanbe self- and other-relations that contribute to human flourishingwhile there iscapitalism.

From the point of view of this tradition, the questionthereforearises whethera theory of recognition supportsan ideal of asocialist form of society and howthis societymust be conceived of,if, on the one hand, it is to avoid the injustices and ethical deficits which systematically undermine the promise of equal recognition in capitalist civil societies, andif, on the other hand, itmust not fall back behind the gains in mutual recognition and practical coordination that have been historically achieved by the capitalist market order. This concerns foremost the question of socialist production (labor conditions), circulation (conditions of exchange and markets) and consumption (development and satisfaction of needs). But beyond these immediate questions, the issue of whether there could be a socialist ethical order (“Sittlichkeit”) needs to be discussed.

This workshop is to explore the relation between socialism and recognition both in a historical as well as in a systematical perspective.

Eligible topics

We would be especially interested in abstracts for papers concerning the following topics:

Guidelines for submission

This call for papers is directed at postgraduate students and early career researchers. Abstracts of up to 300 words must be submitted until April, 1st, 2014 to Acceptance will be confirmed between then and May, 1st.. Presentation sat the workshop can be given in German or English and should be no longer than 30 minutes. Participants are required to submit a full paper until July 1st which will be distributed among all attendees in advance.


Information & contacts

Institute for Social Research
Goethe University Frankfurt

PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy

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