PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
Wednesday July 03, 2024
Testata per la stampa

Cumhuriyet International Journal of Education

The aim of Cumhuriyet International Journal of Education is to contribute to body of research in education and interdisciplinary studies with studies at high academic standards and to keep abreast of recent developments in the world with a universal point of view and to determine and provide unique solutions to the changes and needs in education area in our country, to support the development of education institutions, vocational institutions and community at national and international level and contribute to the accumulation of sources in this area  by publishing studies in Turkish and English.
Cumhuriyet International Journal of Education covers experimental, examination and compilations studies which are directly related to pre-school, primary education, secondary education, higher education and adult education. It is an international refereed journal which gives place to publications from Science education, Pre-School Education, Education Sciences, Primary School Mathematics, Primary School Teacher Education and interdisciplinary studies related with them. It is published both in English and Turkish.

Editorial board

Prof. Dr. Ayhan ÖZTÜRK

Editor in Chief

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatih M. DERVİŞOĞLU

Associate Editors
Res. Assist. S. Tunay KAMER
Res. Assist. Halim SARICAOĞLU     

Advisory board

Prof. Dr. Hayati AKYOL, Düzce University, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Mehmet ARSLAN, Gaziosmanpaşa University, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Nevzat Yaşar AŞIKOĞLU, Cumhuriyet University, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Adnan BAKİ, Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Ivanna BANCOVA, Comrat State University, Republic of Moldova
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Hilmi BULUT, Cumhuriyet University, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Hilary COOPER, University of Cumbria, England
Prof. Dr. Mustafa ÇELİKTEN, Erciyes University, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Dursun DİLEK, Sinop University, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Tayyip DUMAN, Gazi University, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Firdevs GÜNEŞ, Bartın University, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Turan GÜVEN, Gazi University, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Hilmi İBAR, Trakya University, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Abdullah KORKMAZ, İnönü University, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Muhsin KONUK, Afyon Kocatepe University, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Abakir MAMİTOV, National Academy of Science, Kyrgyz Repuclic
Prof. Dr. Nkasiobi Silas OGUZOR, Federal College of Education, Nigeria
Prof. Dr. Maria Isabel Gomes Barca OLIVEIRA, University of Minho, Portugal
Prof. Dr. Mack Clayton SHELLEY, Iowa State University, USA
Prof. Dr. Mehmet ŞİŞMAN, Osmangazi University, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Erdal TOPRAKÇI, Ege University, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Necati YALÇIN, Gazi University, Turkey
Prof. Dr. Ayhan YILMAZ, Hacettepe University, Turkey


Cumhuriyet University, Faculty Of Education, Turkey


since 2012

Direct link to the journal's webpage

PECOB: Portal on Central Eastern and Balkan Europe - University of Bologna - 1, S. Giovanni Bosco - Faenza - Italy

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