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Anthropology Otherwise: Rethinking Approaches to Fieldwork in Different Anthropological Traditions

Venue: Valjevo (Serbia)
Period: Sep. 1 - 4, 2011


The conference will be divided into four main discussions, of which participants must take two. The four discussions are:
(1) Thinking through the particularities of different research methods. What kinds of topics, research questions and themes can be addressed through different kinds of ethnography?

(2) How can we rethink the oldies (old ethnograhies) from the region? What value do such classical ethnographies have today? 

(3) ‘Field Guide’ Session. The aim of the session is to produce a 'field guide' where we aim to reach consensus on what difficulties researchers setting out to do fieldwork in the region may expect to come across.

(4) What is the place of sensory media in an ethnographic research? How do we use it – to tell a story, to convey an experience, to theoretically generate an anthropological knowledge, or for something else?

In addition, there will be keynote addresses by the following speakers:
Sarah Green (University of Manchester)
Stef Jansen (University of Manchester)
Zorica Ivanovic (University of Belgrade) 
Margareta Kern (artist)


How to participate to the Conference

Applications are welcomed from researchers who have an active interest in practicing ethnography in a variety of fields: social/cultural anthropology/ethnology/ethnography would be the most obvious choice, as well as researchers working in fields of political science, sociology, cultural studies, etc. who (plan to) utilise ethnography.
Please send a CV and the application form, including 3000 characters (with spaces) explaining in what way the conference themes are of interest to you and/or relate to your work. Also indicate your order of preference for the session, putting 1 next to the most, and 4 to the least preferable choice. The application should be sent to

There is no conference fee. Accommodation and meals are covered, and there is a possibility of refunding travel expenses.

Organizer and Partners

Information & contacts

For more information, visit the conference website:


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