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Call for Papers - "Identity politics and dynamics of (dis)integration in Europe"

Conference venue: Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Period: June 12-14, 2014
Deadline for submitting abstracts: January 5, 2014


The 10th Convention of the CEEISA will feature a diverse set of panels organized around multiple aspects of the study of international relations. Submissions of papers, panels, and roundtables on any aspect of international relations broadly understood are welcomed and encouraged. We particularly invite submissions in which scholars turn their focus to this year’s convention theme: “Identity politics and dynamics of (dis)integration in Europe

A recurring theme at the heart of all politics is struggle for self-determination, at the individual and the group level. At the individual level, struggles for self-determination support drives to liberate, liberalize, and democratize polities. Self-determination here means limiting interference and repression by authorities as well as building channels through which citizens can participate in making decisions that affect their lives.

At the group level the picture becomes more complicated. Individuals experience affinities to different social groups, such as ethnic groups or nations. Group-based identification creates in-group out-group dynamics that feed social competition and, potentially, conflict. Identity politics typically are expressions of such competition, which may have deep historical roots. While group-based demands for recognition, rights, or autonomy often seem legitimate to outsiders, they can easily be seen as offensive by competing or “othering” groups, especially in times of economic and social crisis. This sets in motion social conflict with the potential of political destabilization.

Democratic polities are built on multiple social identities. This is particularly obvious in large, federal, and multi-national structures. E pluribus unum was the de facto motto of the US until 1956. Since 2000 the EU’s official motto is “United in Diversity” (In varietate concordia). Such mottos reflect what might be considered the core challenge of democratic political culture: How can group-level struggles for self-determination be evaluated, mediated, and “managed” to allow for self-expression and political agency by groups while at the same time keeping social conflict at a level non-threatening to the polity’s integrity?

Eligible topics for the conference

For the CEEISA’s 2014 convention we particularly welcome papers which reflect on empirical as well as theoretical responses to this challenge in Europe, east and west. Our location at the multicultural Babeş-Bolyai University in Cluj in Transylvania is ideal for this purpose. Conference participants are especially invited to respond to the following four “theme” questions from within their own sub-fields and research specializations:

  • Where can we today observe important group-based, internationally relevant truggles for "self-determination" in Europe, broadly defined to include struggles for greater rocognition or additional rights and privileges? What are the conflict dynamics associated with these struggles?
  • Focusing directly on the current crisis of European Union, how should we interpret the cleavages emerging in Europe in reaction to economic crisis and political responses to it? To what extent and how is politcal-economic pressure on member states in crisis or on specific social groups risking the EU´s disintegration?
  • Moving beyond Europe,what can we learn for the current European experience from inter- and transnational social struggles for recognition that have taken place at other times and in other places? More generally, how can we make progress in theorizing identity politics in inter-, trans- and supranational environments?

Guidelines for submission

To submit your paper or panel proposal, please follow the links below and fill in and submit the on-line form. You will receive a confirmation of your paper/panel submission within approx. a week.
Submit a panel proposal here
Submit a paper proposal here
Deadline for submissions has been extended until 5 January 2014!
Notification of acceptance (by e-mail): before 1 February 2014
Should you have any questions regarding paper or panel proposals, please contact us at

Registration Fees

The CEEISA encourages all the participants who are not yet members of the CEEISA to join the association and enjoy the benefit of free subscription to the Journal of International Relations and Development and reduced registration fees for CEEISA Conventions. For information about CEEISA membership please visit the CEEISA website.

Convention registration fee: 120 euro
Reduced registration fee for PhD students: 90 euro
Registration fee for CEEISA members: 60 euro
Reduced registration fee for PhD students who are also CEEISA members: 30 euro


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