PECOB Portal on Central Eastern
and Balkan Europe
Università di Bologna  
Monday July 22, 2024
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This area collects information on academic centers, state institutions, political and no profit organizations promoting the exchange of contacts and supporting institutional collaboration

East, rivista internazionale di geopolitica
European Regional Master's Degree in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe

Institute for Democracy and Mediation


Institute for Democracy and Mediation

The Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM) is an independent, non-governmental organization, founded in November 1999 in Tirana, Albania. It works to strengthen the Albanian civil society, to monitor, analyze and facilitate the Euro-Atlantic integration processes of the country and to help the consolidation of good governance and inclusive policy making. IDM carries on its objectives through expertise, innovative policy research, analysis and assessment-based policy options.

IDM’s choice of activities to achieve its strategic objectives is an effort to go beyond simple one time delivery projects. They form part of a continuing struggle to strengthen shared values and efficient interactions across the broad spectrum of political and non-political actors in Albania. IDM is dedicated to develop a profound understanding on contemporary challenges to shape sustainable reforming strategies and public policies in key socio-economic and political development pillars, as well as to advance regional cost-effective approaches in support of intra / cross sectoral cooperation initiatives of key actors based on comprehensive research, policy assessment and multifaceted analysis.

These guiding principles represent the foundation of IDM's mission, on which IDM forms the framework of its programme priorities, shapes the results of its work and drives the services and contribution to civil society efforts.


Core Departments

IDM struggles to advance its achievements, contribution and overall reforming processes and developments in the following areas:

  • Good governance, community empowerment and sustainable development
  • Consolidation of civil society and promotion of inclusive policy-making processes
  • EU studies & European integration affairs
  • Security studies and security sector reform & governance
  • Regional cooperation & Euro-Atlantic relations


To talented and commited graduate and undergraduate students in the field of social sciences, IDM offers the opportunity to become part of the IDM team in two to three month internships, where they would assist and support the staff in project implementation, research studies and other related tasks.

If you are interested, please send a letter of interest:


In the course of 12 years, IDM has been supported, partnered and cooperated with a wide range of donors, national and international organizations, and has quite efficient working relations with Albanian national and local public institutions.
For more details click here. 

Available languages

  • Albanian
  • English

Direct Link

View the website of Institute for Democracy and Mediation (in Albanian)
View the website of Institute for Democracy and Mediation (in English)


Address: Rr. Shenasi Dishnica, Nr. 1, Tirana, Albania
P.O.Box 8177, Tirana, Albania
Tel: 00355 4 240 0241
Fax: 00355 4 240 0640


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